 56K Modem Hack v4.0 The 56K Modem Hack is designed to improve performance in the Internet by up to double your standard speed. The 56K Modem Hack 4.0 is now designed for OS 8. Featuring NEW speed improvements and enhanced performance. 56K Modem Hack requires • MacOS 8 • A Macintosh 68040 or PPC Computer • Open Transport 1.1.2 • 12MB Ram for 68040 • 16MB for PPC • 28.8 v.34 Modem - 14.4K Modem Information Below Compatibility Problems FreePPP is not supported for this enhancement Instructions This will save you the expense of a new modem for the higher 56K protocols. Any 56K protocol will support the existing V.34 technology, which this compression scheme works under, so no matter what format will be accepted, you will be compatible. 1. Install Open Transport / PPP before running this installer. This is part of the MacOS 8 CD. It is 100% MacOS 8 Compatible. 2. Double Click the Installer 3. Select the type of install you require. 4. After restarting, open the Serial Enabler Control Panel. Change these settings. But First Check to see which port you have your modem connected to. These settings apply to the port in which your modem is connected to LOCK: 38400 baud TO: 230000 baud. 5. The installer will place a Modem Script Generator Application on the root level of your Hard Drive. Double Click it. Leave the setting on the top of the dialog window at Serial Modem Script. The first line asks you to name your script. Name the script anything you wish, just not the name of the script you are already using in your modem scripts folder in your Extensions folder. Name it something like 56K Baud Script, or name it after your modem like 57.6 TelePort Script. In the second box, type the modem manufacturer's name, like Global Village, Hayes, US Robotics, etc. The third line asks for your Modem Initialisation String. This is specific for your modem model and can be found in one of two places. Ideally it should be available from your modem manual. The entire string starts off with AT&F, but as you can see from the example, you can leave of the AT part, and just enter the &F... part. The example is FEOS0=0. If your modem's manual doesn't have the initialisation string, then you should open your existing modem script and tile down 1/3 of the way to the AT&F part. Write down everything between AT and the next & character, or just the &F... part. That is just as good as finding the &F... portion of the string from your modem manual, but harder, so check your manual first! Just type the &F... portion of the string in the Modem Initialisation String field. Also if you want the modem to transmit your connection speed to your modem control panel and Control Strip, add W2 to the tail of your initialisation string which will be then &F...W2 in that window. It is not mandatory to include the W2 information, the hack will work anyway. I use it and it works beautifully! To get further instruction on this, plus links to a lot of modem initialisation strings, please go to . A lot of what you need to know is there involving writing the modem initialisation string. However, I have extended this hack to provide true 56K speeds with any 28.8 modem. Check to make sure that the Disable Error Correction and Disable Data Compression windows are left blank. See that the Command Buffer Size is set at 40, and Use Data Tone box is checked. Then click the Create Script button. The Generator will create the script and you have to choose where to save it. In the dialogue box, go to your Hard Drive, then System Folder, then Extensions, and Modem Scripts, the save it there. 5. Open the Modem Control Panel in the Control Panels folder and select the script you just created. 6. Open the PPP Control Panel and enter the log-in phone number, username and password of your ISP. 7. Click Connect and you're back on the Net PowerPC Users Running Mac OS 8 and Modem Hack v3.5 or less If you install this hack, and you are running Mac OS 8 on a PowerPC Macintosh, your computer may not start up after installation. If it crashes while starting up, click Restart and hold down Shift during startup to disable Extensions. Then remove the Serial DMA Extension from your Extensions Folder. If you do not have any trouble restarting, your PowerPC computer is compatible with this Extension. It only affects some models of PowerPC computers running Mac OS 8. 56K Modem Hack for 14.4K Modems If you have a 14.4K modem, you really can still use this hack, but with lower speed values. 1. Open the Serial Enabler Control Panel, and on the port which you have your modem connected, change these settings; LOCK: 38400 baud. TO: 115200 baud. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Webmaster adam@camtech.net.au Take Note: If you want to subcribe to the Centauri Official Mailing List then please send an e-mail to adam@camtech.net.au with the subject “subscribe” If you want to unsubcribe to the Centauri Official Mailing List then please send an e-mail to adam@camtech.net.au with the subject “unsubscribe”